Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Growing Pains

Not to many people know that as a child I was really tiny. I am not saying that I'm a huge super tall person but I am 5'6 one of the tallest people in my house. (my dad says hes taller but we are the same size). My parents and grandparents like to tell people about how much they used to pray for me to grow. Like really? Is it so bad to be short? I guess to them it was. I was also a very late bloomer. My older sister and I are only a year and a half apart my mother loved to dress us up the same like twins for years. Neon spandex shorts and side pony tale oh yeah child of the eighties! Now my sister had a growth spur and she passed me in height got all cute and skinny while I still looked like an umpa lumpa. No lie. Hence all the praying? The summer between 8th grade and 9th grade all I remember doing was sleeping and eating cereal all day long. That is also the time I had my growth spur. I came back to school taller then my 5'2 older sister and sporting the very visible "girls".Now why am I having this flash back to puberty? Good question. I have found my self going through another growth spurt.
    This Growth isn't not physically. I really don't want to be taller. All my friends are short so its weird. But in my personal life and spiritual life I have been doing a lot of growing. Now unlike physical growth, these past few years I have been fighting the growth. Now that I have stopped fighting it I hoped that the "pain" it comes with would go away. But then I realized that with growth their is pain. I felt out of place after my sister bloomed she was super pretty and I felt ugly with my nappy curly hair. I felt as if everyone else was growing up and I was being left behind. I felt alone. That was my pain. Not necessarily physical pain like ouch my legs hurt but I felt out of place.
     As a 27 year old adult I am once again feeling pain. But I know that with the pain I am growing. Its needed. I've been learning to really let God lead my life. Its been tough. I have had a lot of tough choices to make and I really had to put on my Big Girl Pants this year. I know you would think that by my age I would have done that a long time ago. I've been avoiding it, living in Never land (that's another blog for another day). I am excepting this growth and all that comes with it even if that means its going to hurt and I will cry like a baby (which I have already).  So Growth + Pain = Beauty. That's the way I see it.

Take a moment and do some stretches, you don't  want to pull a muscle.