Friday, February 22, 2013


    It's about time I post something here! It has been over 7 months since I last updated. Time is such a beautiful ugly topic. Time is fleeting...time is of the essence... and it goes ever on! What does Time me to you? Is it something we let rule our lives? Do we live by the clock? Every move set and executed by those two little hands? Who am I kidding no one uses those clocks anymore its all digital. But my question is who do we let time handle us?
    Some of us have no concept of time at all (me included). I have a horrible tendency to be late. My father always said that I would even be late to my own funeral, which I always said that at least that time it wont be MY fault. Two extremes. How do we find the balance between not being ruled by the clock and not screwing the clock. Within the last few weeks I have made a decision to not be running late all the time. Have I succeeded  Well...not really, but I have been making changes which have been helping. How can we all make changes in our lives so we are in the balance with time?
    Time can be such a beautiful thing. My adorable little nephew has been a great joy in my life. I have loved seeing him grow within the last few months. He is trying to crawl which is adorable  (aww) But also time can be ugly. Waisted time can be ugly. Sometimes we don't even realize where all the darn time has gone. I know I haven't  Time is fleeting...Hold onto  it, cherish it, and love it. I have found my self multiple times wishing that i could just fast forward and skip the ugly hard parts of time. But what I have realized through many hard and ugly parts is that those are the beautiful times also. Their is growth. I am reminded of a line from a song: Beauty from Tears. So what to take away from this, well we all need to find a balance in our lives it may not be with time for some people but extremes can be fun but their is life in a balance.

Take a moment and check the time.

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